I think it's odd that NaNoWriMo has brought me through all of the stages of author-ship in just one simple month. I've felt elated by my progress, depressed at my lack of, and anxious to finally be within inches of calling myself an actual novelist.

At this point, I'm at 35,000 words. I'm so close that I can taste it. Truthfully, I wish I could copy and paste this into my word document so that every "it it" that I type out can count towards the total. But that would be cheating.

I don't know that anyone understands how important this is to me, or understands how amazing it feels to have written an entire novella (because that's really what my story is) without even feeling too much pain. The deadline is a beautiful thing, and so is, I must admit, the ability to turn off spell-check. This process would have been much more arduous with the internal editor, the great mistress, harping at every "jsut", "Cant" (a name of a character), "Sarculet" (supposed to be Scarlet), and so on. On this Thanksgiving Eve, I am thankful for being able to have a good enough idea, a small support network, and plenty of time to sit in my room and write. I couldn't have asked for more.

Well okay...I could have done with some more chocolate...
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