
So this is what I like to call 'Decorative Brainstorming'. I've begun the planning of my novel to be written sometime after November of this year (because NaNoWriMo will be spent writing my high school memoir).

I decided that it is high-time that someone examined our society and it patrilineal inhertances, a.k.a why the men are more important than the women.

I'm about half-way done with a book called The Book of God, which is the novelization of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, and I notice very few women throughout the stories. I just began wondering why everything began to focus on those with penises...and what the earth would be like now if we had Men's Studies classes instead, or how countries would behave with female rulers, and if all women would become like Amazons, or if men would be the primary caregivers that played with Ken dolls as children.

I think there are a lot of questions that I can speculate upon and perhaps write a very convincing novel that mirrors The Book of God in a 'Bible-y' kind of way.

The frame story will focus on men of college-age in a Men's Studies class trying to breach their own 'glass ceiling' by examining how gender roles have shaped their lives.

I hope it will be interesting...and I'm doing my best to keep myself interested...which is half the reason for the brightly-colored post-its.
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